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Special Education

Two students push around the SNACKS cart


Levels of Supportive Intervention

The district's IEP team determines appropriate level of support and intervention required to meet the student's need and ability. The appropriate level of intervention is the level at which the students perform successfully.

Students with special needs in the Duquesne City School District are assigned to one of the following levels of intervention:

Itinerant Learning Support - Supportive Intervention in the Regular Classroom

  • Regular classroom instruction for the entire day of school
  • Instructional support provided by special education personnel
  • Modifications to regular instructional program
  • Individualization to the exceptional students' instruction by the regular classroom teacher for part of the school day 

Supplemental Intervention Resource Classroom

  • Regular classroom instruction for most of the school day
  • Special education services and programs provided by special education personnel in a resource classroom for part of the school day

 Full-time Special Education Class in the Regular School

  • Special education services and programs outside of the regular classroom but in a regular school for the entire day
  • Opportunities for participation in a regular non-academic or extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate 

Full-time Special Education Class outside of the Regular School

  • Special education services and programs outside of the regular school for the entire day
  • Opportunities for participation in regular nonacademic or extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate

Special Education Plan

Public Notice 

Special Education Annual Notice to Parents

Parent Resources

Allegheny Intermediate Unit -

Pennsylvania Department of Education -