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Students podcasting
Jeremy Tepper

On November 13, the Learning 2025 Alliance toured the Duquesne City School District, observing many of the district's unique Middle School programming. 

"Co-led by Pittsburgh-area superintendents and AASA, the School Superintendents Association, the Alliance provides workshops, expert speakers, networking, and professional development services tailored to each school district’s unique goals. Together, these 42 districts are reimagining education and showing the world what school could be," according to the Learning 2025 Alliance website.

Middle School students kicked off the tour by performing chants and dances associated with their Ron Clark Academy houses. Afterwards visitors checked out the Lilliput houses, and then saw a number of electives in action — yoga, drone soccer, podcasting, esports, lego league, and district c.

For some pictures from the tour, check out the gallery below.

Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
A man leans over and talks to a student
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
A girl sits down in a diner playhouse
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
Students perform Ron clark academy chants and dances
Students perform yoga
A woman talks to a student in a playhouse
Students perform yoga
A student explains lego league
A student controls a drone for drone soccer
Students podcasting
A student and teacher interact
A drone soccer sign
Students perform yoga
A student and teacher work to control a drone
A student control a drone