Mental & Behavorial Health Supports
Mental and Behavioral Health Supports
The Duquesne City School District knows that a students' health goes far beyond their physical health. With that in mind, the district places a heavy focus on mental and behavioral health, employing an exhaustive staff of professionals dedicated to these fields. Rachel Butler-Pardi, the school district’s Assistant Principal of Mental Health & Behavior Support, heads those efforts. She is supported by the school counselor, Monica Walker, the school psychologist, Brooke Watterson, the Behavior Support and Intervention Specialist, Shannon Keating, as well as the school nurse, two behavioral staff from Pressley Ridge and two full-time school-based therapists through Auberle. Altogether, it’s a robust and thoughtful team that seeks to meet all of the students’ needs.
To read more about the mental health efforts at Duquesne, click here and here.
Tips for Talking to Children and Youth After Traumatic Events
Helping School-Age Children with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
Pennsylvania Health Requirements for Public School Students
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